CORFU 2022
9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Corfu, Greece, 15 - 18 JUNE 2022
The Conference aims to address the significant issue of sustainable solid waste management through the promotion of safe practices & effective technologies. The Conference focuses mainly on modern solid waste technologies. It aims to stimulate the interest of scientists and citizens and inform them about the latest developments in the field of municipal solid waste management. Separation at source, Biological Treatment, the treatment at central facilities, waste prevention, biowaste utilization, recycling promotion, Waste-to-energy technologies & energy recovery, smart technologies for waste management, sludge management, agricultural and livestock waste, management of specific waste streams (construction & demolition waste, waste from electrical and electronic equipment, etc.), biotechnology, Best Available techniques, symbiosis networks, energy consumption and saving, carbon footprint and water footprint, zero-waste initiatives, plastics and bioplastics, marine litter constitute main conference subjects. Special attention will be drawn to the valorization prospects & the products from solid waste, such as: biofuels, compost, materials, etc. It is also our ambition to strengthen the link of the applied research with industry. Hazardous waste & Household hazardous waste also constitute target area of the conference. Emphasis will be placed on circular economy in all key action areas (production, consumption, waste management, secondary raw materials, innovation, investment & monitoring) and all priority sectors (food waste, plastics, biomass and bio-based-products, construction & demolition waste, critical raw materials), as well as waste management issues and resource efficiency in islands and generally isolated and remote areas.
The Conference will provide an opportunity to bring together scientists & professionals from government departments, industries, Municipalities, private institutions, research & education institutions, being a forum for the exchange of the most recent ideas, techniques & experiences in all areas of solid waste management. A special full one-day workshop will also focus on representatives of local authorities and municipalities in order to promote integrated solid waste management schemes.
Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of maximum 2 pages in English, including figures and tables (as MS Word file). The abstracts can be submitted electronically via the specific form no later than 28th February 2022.
Abstracts will be accepted based on quality, originality and relevance to the conference themes. All accepted papers will be published as the conference proceedings (CD ROM format), while the best papers after evaluation will be published in scientific journals. We look forward to receiving your paper and we hope to see you actively taking part in the CORFU 2022 Conference.
Paper Submissions
After the end of the review process of the abstracts, the authors of the papers accepted for oral and poster presentation are asked to submit a full paper with maximum length of 12 pages. Please send the full paper by email to [email protected] until 30th April 2022 at the latest.
Important deadlines
15 October 2021 | First call for papers |
30 November 2021 | Second call for papers |
28 February 2022 | Extended Deadline for abstract submission |
15 March 2022 | Notification of abstract acceptance |
15 March 2022 | Deadline for Early bird registration |
30 April 2022 | Deadline for authors to register |
30 April 2022 | Deadline for submission of full papers |
06 May 2022 | Deadline for submission of posters with 3-min presentation |
Keynote Speakers
Summer School: 13 - 14 June 2022
4th PhD Summer School - Executive training on solid waste management with indicative subjects: Legal Framework and Policy, Circular Economy, Municipal Solid Waste treatment technologies, Anaerobic Digestion, Waste-to-Energy, Sustainable Management.
Welcome to Corfu
The island is bound up with the history of Greece from the beginnings of Greek mythology, and is marked by numerous battles and conquests. Ancient Korkyra took part in the Battle of Sybota which was a catalyst for the Peloponnesian War, and, according to Thucydides, the largest naval battle between Greek city states until that time. Thucydides also reports that Korkyra was one of the three great naval powers of fifth century BC Greece, along with Athens and Corinth. Ruins of ancient Greek temples and other archaeological sites of the ancient city of Korkyra are found in Palaiopolis. Medieval castles punctuating strategic locations across the island are a legacy of struggles in the Middle Ages against invasions by pirates and the Ottomans.
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Publications in journals
CORFU 2022 Conference
High quality CORFU 2022 papers will be published after evaluation in:
- a Special Issue of RENEWABLE ENERGY (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 8.001) with title: Biorefinery beyond the “Valley of Death”
- a Special Issue of ENERGY (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 7.147) with title: Waste to energy in the circular economy
- a Special Issue of WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION (SPRINGER, Impact Factor: 3.703) in collaboration with Prof. Ange Nzihou, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal,
- a Special Issue of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and POLLUTION RESEARCH (Springer, Impact Factor: 4.223) with title: Sustainable waste management and circular economy,
- a Special Issue of BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY (Springer, Impact Factor: 4.987) with title: Sustainable management of organic solid waste
- a Special Issue of SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & PHARMACY (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 4.508) with title: Waste management and resource efficiency in the era of circular economy
- a Special Issue of BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 3.978) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou, Carol S. K. Lin)
The best water related papers will be published in a Special Issue of DESALINATION & WATER TREATMENT (Taylor & Francis, Impact Factor: 0.854).
More journals will be announced in the next weeks.

THESSALONIKI 2021 Conference
The best THESSALONIKI 2021 papers will be published after evaluation in a Special Issue of BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 9.642). The title of the SI was: Food Waste: from an environmental problem to a valuable resource and the submission period will be from 1st July until 31st July 2021.
The best THESSALONIKI 2021 papers dealing with anaerobic Digestion will be published after evaluation in a Special Issue of CHEMOSPHERE (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 7.086). The title of the SI is: Recent Advancements in Anaerobic Digestion and the submission period will be from 1st September until 31st October 2021.
High quality THESSALONIKI 2021 papers will be published after evaluation in:
- a Special Issue of WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION (SPRINGER, Impact Factor: 3.703) in collaboration with Prof. Ange Nzihou, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal,
- a Special Issue of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and POLLUTION RESEARCH with title: Effective waste management with emphasis on circular economy (Springer, Impact Factor: 4.223) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou),
- a Special Issue of SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & PHARMACY with title: Waste management & circular economy (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 4.508) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou)
- a Special Issue of BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY (Springer, Impact Factor: 4.987) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou)
HERAKLION 2019 Conference
25 HERAKLION 2019 papers on recent developments in renewable and sustainable energy systems were published after evaluation is a Special Issue of RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 12.110).
The best HERAKLION 2019 papers on waste and biomass exploitation for multiple scopes will be published after evaluation is a Special Issue of RENEWABLE ENERGY (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 6.274) with title “INTEGRATED BIOREFINERY FOR THE PLANET’S FUTURE”.
The best HERAKLION 2019 papers on circular economy will be published after evaluation is a Special Issue of SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT (ELSEVIER, Impact Factor: 6.551) with title “Circular economy and environment with emphasis on waste management & resource valorization”
The best HERAKLION 2019 papers are published after evaluation in a Special Issue of WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION (SPRINGER, Impact Factor: 2.851) (Guest Editors: M. Loizidou, K. Moustakas), a Special Issue ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and POLLUTION RESEARCH (Springer, Impact Factor: 3.056) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou) & in a Special Issue of BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY (Springer, Impact Factor: 2.602) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou).
Τhe process has been completed for WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION & BIOMASS CONVERSION & BIOREFINERY. 30 papers were published in the HERAKLION 2019 Special Issue of WAVE that was published in October 2020 and the relevant WAVE Editorial is available here. 42 papers were published in the HERAKLION 2019 Special Issue of BCAB that was published in April 2021 and the relevant BCAB Editorial is available here. 47 papers have also been accepted for the Special Issue of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLLUTION RESEARCH.
The best energy papers of the HERAKLION 2019 Conference will be published after evaluation in a Special Issue of ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (SAGE, Impact Factor: 0.568)
16 water related papers were published in a Special Issue of DESALINATION & WATER TREATMENT (Impact Factor: 1.631).
The top quality energy papers of the NAXOS 2018 Conference were published in a Special Issue of APPLIED ENERGY (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 8.426) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou, A.-S. Nizami & M. Naqvi) & a Special Issue of RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS (Elsevier, Impact Factor 10.556) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou, A.-S. Nizami, M. Rehan). The process has been completed and 11 papers have been published in this Special Issue of Applied Energy and 19 papers in the Special Issue of RSER. The APPLIED ENERGY Editorial is available here, while the RSER Editorial is available here.
The high quality biotechnology papers of the NAXOS 2018 Conference are to published in a Special Issue of Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (Wiley, Impact Factor: 2.587). The process has been completed and 17 papers were included in the Special Issue. The relevant editorial is available here.
The best NAXOS 2018 papers are published after evaluation in a Special Issue of WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION (SPRINGER, Impact Factor: 2.358) (Guest Editors: M. Loizidou, K. Moustakas) & in a Special Issue of ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE and POLLUTION RESEARCH (Springer, Impact Factor: 2.914) (Guest Editors: K. Moustakas, M. Loizidou). The process has been completed for both WAVE & ESPR. 20 were accepted for the NAXOS 2018 Special Issue of WAVE that was published in December 2019, while 31 papers were published for the NAXOS 2018 Special Issue of ESPR that was also published in December 2019. The relevant WAVE Editorial is available here, while the relevant ESPR Editorial is available here.
Selected papers were also published in WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH (Impact Factor: 1.631) in collaboration with Dr. Costas Velis.
Selected high-quality papers on hazardous waste were published after review in the JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 6.065).
Selected papers on energy from waste were published in a Special Issue of ENERGIES (Impact Factor: 2.262) (Guest Editors: M. Jeguirim, L. Limousy, K. Moustakas).
The best water related papers were published in a Special Issue of DESALINATION & WATER TREATMENT (Impact Factor: 1.631). The relevant Special Issue is available here.
Conference Fees
- Early bird (up to 15th of March)
- Early bird (up to 15th of March)
- Early bird (up to 15th of March)
- After 15th of March
- After 15th of March
- After 15th of March