Authors are invited to submit a 2-page extended abstract which will include introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and references. To be accepted for the Conference, the submissions must report work that is novel, well described, and suited to the Conference themes. Submissions must contain original data and meet international ethical standards. Selection criteria include high technical quality, relevance to the conference themes, and significant information content. Abstracts that are deemed commercial in nature will not be accepted.
To submit your abstract please follow the steps outlined below:
- Enter the corresponding author details.
- Enter the type of presentation that is preferred (oral or poster).
- Enter the title of your abstract.
- Enter the conference topic that is most appropriate for your abstract.
- Enter Keywords (3-5)
- Enter the details of authors and nominate presenting author.
- Please name the file CORFU 2022_Your surname" e.g. CORFU2022_Smith.pdf.
- Upload your abstract as pdf document.
Download a sample abstract

Contact Information
Conference Place Address
Corfu, Greece
Send an Email to
Head of the Organizing Committee, Dr. Konstantinos Moustakas: [email protected]